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We have released product updates for compatibility with Windows Update KB5046740.
If you are experiencing issues with this update, please use the latest version of Turbo Studio and Client.
Turbo Server administrators should update to the latest Turbo VM release per our upgrade guide.

Deliver applications with Turbo Portal

Deploy applications where your users expect them. Deliver them through a web portal or integrate with your favorite learning management system.

Who's Using Turbo?

Thousands of the world's most effective organizations empower their people with

Explore Turbo Portal

See just a few of the ways that Turbo Portal allows you to launch applications, manage workspaces, access files, and more.

All your applications in one place

Turbo Portal lets you easily launch applications from the Portal dashboard. Applications are grouped into workspace which can be managed from the Workspace Administration Site.

Run applications locally in a secure containerized environment, or stream applications from the cloud to any HTML5-enabled browser or native Turbo client with Turbo Application Server.

Bring your applications and data with you

Access applications from any HTML5-enabled web browser, including iPads and Android devices.

Sessions and data automatically synchronize to the cloud so you can pick up right where you left off.

Integrate with popular cloud storage providers

Connect your Turbo account to OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, Filr, or a network share and access files and folders from the Turbo Portal.

Open files with Turbo applications with a single click.

Additional Features

Centralize Resources

All applications and data are hosted on a single, private cloud and can be accessed from any Windows desktop. Data stays on premise for maximum security.

Data Synchronization

Settings and documents automatically sync across devices. Files and applications are accessible from any computer via an integrated web portal.

Lock Down Desktops

Applications are streamed to user desktops and run on clean desktops without administrative privileges. Desktops can be re-imaged and locked-down without sacrificing functionality.

Pain-free Migration

Server supports Windows 8/8.1 and IE 11. Upgrade to the latest Windows operating system without losing compatibility for legacy applications.

Work Offline

Desktop caching and registration allow users to download applications to their machines for offline use.


Applications run using local computer resources. This lightens server loads while allowing organizations to take advantage of existing infrastructure.


Related Products

Turbo Hub

Centrally deploy, patch, and manage your applications and data. Access securely from desktops and the web, even when offline.

Learn more about Turbo Hub

Turbo Application Server

Stream applications to any device with a native Turbo client or HTML5-enabled browser.

Learn more about Turbo Application Server

Turbo Studio

Powerful, easy-to-use authoring tool for creating virtual environments.

Learn more about Turbo Studio
12 years
Continuous support for every version of Windows for over a decade
Applications launched each day on
People use to launch applications every day

Let's get started now.

Speak with an expert to find out how Turbo Portal fits your business.
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