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We have released product updates for compatibility with Windows Update KB5046740.
If you are experiencing issues with this update, please use the latest version of Turbo Studio and Client.
Turbo Server administrators should update to the latest Turbo VM release per our upgrade guide.

No labs?
No problem.

Deliver academic applications to every student and faculty device in the cloud.

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Turbo Server portal on Mac

Supports HTML5, PC, Mac, iOS, Android, and Chromebook.
Run in the cloud, with on-prem servers, or natively on PCs.

Learning happens everywhere.

Now students and faculty can use apps everywhere their academic journey takes them.

Distance, blended, and one-to-one learning blend seamlessly with the virtual campus environment.

With a consistent experience across locations and devices, the Digital Workspace is always available — on campus or online.

Integrate with your Learning Management System (LMS)

Turbo Server comes with out of the box integration with Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, and more.

Launch course apps instantly on any campus and student device.
Learn more about LMS Integration
Turbo Server LTI integration

Better experience. Lower cost.

Hybrid, elastic architecture minimizes costs while providing
virtually unbounded scaleability.
Reduce or eliminate legacy lab devices.
Migrate administration and datacenter operations to the cloud.
Outsource application packaging, updates, and patching.
Centrally manage application entitlements, distribution, and licensing.
Authenticate with existing Active Directory, Azure AD, OAuth, SAML 2.0, and LDAP directory services.
Elastic architecture scales up and down as required, minimizing infrastructure costs.
Use local file storage or connect cloud providers such as OneDrive.
Print to local and network printers or save with integrated PDF support.
Share local network resources or tunnel to on-premises servers.

1000s of apps, ready to deploy.

The Hub offers instant access to thousands of applications covering for all major fields of study.

Easy-to-use tools allow combining of applications and components to create lab environments or deploy custom applications.

Microsoft Word icon
Microsoft Excel icon
Microsoft PowerPoint icon
Visio icon
AutoCAD icon
Inventor icon
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JDK icon
SQL Server Express icon
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MongoBD icon
MariaDB icon
Git icon
NodeJS icon
Power BI icon
IntelliJ icon
Visual Studio Icon
NetBeans icon
Eclipse icon
Brackets icon
ASP.NET icon
CodeLite IDE icon
Anaconda icon
Tableau icon
Internet Explorer icon
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Firefox icon
NGINX icon

Over 500,000 students access applications with Turbo.

Universities across the globe are modernizing application access.
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